Love Local Industry
Soon Japan Design Project, 2013
OZONE, Tokyo
Won DSA Design Award 2014
Photo by kentahasegawa
An Exhibition Space Made of Panels.
Designed the exhibition/presentation space for the Soon Japan Design Project that connects young designers with companies that support the local industry and disseminates their activities. The exhibition featured works by over 30 designers. So many plywoods from partner companies were used for everything such as display stand and signs to unify the exhibition space with a single material taste. Despite a variety of exhibits, the impactful exhibition space was created while still making it easy to see each exhibit by each designer. The sign on the panels joined diagonally, creates a visual rhythm that draws the eyes of visitors. The exhibition space was designed in a playful way that is appropriate for a special exhibition full of the keyword "design".
若手デザイナーと地方の産業を支える企業とを積極的に繋げ発信する活動を行うSoon Japan Design Projectの展覧会において、会場構成を担当しました。約30名超のデザイナーの力作の展示です。協力企業の合板を全面的に活用し、商業ビルの展示スペースを同一のテイストでカバー。多種多様な展示物がある中で会場としての統一感を生み出し、インパクトのある全体感と個別の展示の視認性を確保させました。斜めに連則して接合されたパネル上のサインにより、視覚的なリズムを生み出し視線を集める効果もあります。デザインというキーワードがあふれる企画展にふさわしい、遊びのある展示会場構成となりました。