Shelf / Room Divider
Private Works, 2011

Wooden Furniture with a Simple Idea.

A proposal for wooden folding storage furniture/partitions. The shelve boards are simply placed on a foldable structure consisting of aprons, pillars, and beams, and easily assembled and disassembled. The shelf boards are possible to use as a tray to carry the things. Even if this shelf is put on next to you, anybody feels much pressure since there are a lot of slits. The overall impression is a little gentle because of the edge of each part are rounded. The way it looks and uses the shelves, it is possible to separate situations by the scene in the same space. The looks and the usage are different by front and back, and it's easy to fold and move, so you can use this easily in places where you want to separate in your living environment. This shelf was a prototype that was possible to mass-production and was a voluntary proposal born from the idea that didn't bound by anything. This work was exhibited at DESIGNTIDE TOKYO, one of the most important design events in Tokyo in 2011.


木製の折り畳みの収納家具/パーテーションの提案。幕板と支柱、貫で構成された折りたたむことのできる構造体に棚板を乗せるだけとなっており、容易に組み立て分解が可能で、棚板をトレイのように物を運ぶのに利用することもできます。隙間の多い設計なので圧迫感も少なく、直線的な構成ながらエッジなどに丁寧なR処理をすることで全体的に柔らかい印象にしています。幕板側と棚板側で見え方も使い方も変わり、折り畳めて移動もさせやすいので、生活環境の中で区切りたいような場所に簡単に利用することができます。量産可能な家具として考えられ試作品であり、自主提案ならではの発想によって得られた着眼点でもあります。2011年開催の、東京における重要なデザインイベントの一つ、DESIGNTIDE TOKYOへの出展作品。