Ambientec + Ryu Kozeki, Milan Design Week 2015
April 14–19, 2015
Spazio Rossana Orlandi, Milany
With the participation of Fuori Salone in 2014, Bottled was caught Ms. Rossana Orlandi's eye, which led to having the opportunity to exhibit at the Spazio Rossana Orlandi during Milan Design Week 2015. I had an exhibition there in collaboration with Ambientec. The Spazio Rossana Orlandi is hosted by Rossana Orlandi, who owns a design gallery where you can see the cutting-edge design and art selections collected by her aesthetic. The gallery/space is also known for its high-quality exhibits as a must-see place, especially in Fuori Salone. This was an opportunity for Ambientec to accelerate their international expansion. The gallery is also dealing with Bottled.
2014年のFuori Saloneの参加によりBottledがRossana Orlandi氏の目に留まったことがきっかけとなり、Milan Design Week 2015期間中ミラノで随一とされるデザインギャラリー、Spazio Rossana OrlandiでAmbientecと協働した展示が行われました。Spazio Rossana Orlandiはデザインギャラリーを運営するRossana Orlandi氏により運営されているスペース。その高い審美眼によりセレクトされたデザイン/アートが揃い、特にFuori Saloneにおいては非常に質の高い展示を行うことでも知られています。これを機にAmbientecの海外展開が加速していくことになり、また同ギャラリーではBottledの販売も継続して行われています。